Church-Based Development Leadership Course

This online course runs every year from August to June.
The course is focused on capacity upgrading leaders and pastors engaged in church-based development/diaconal work.

Every year the Danish Mission Council (DMC) is offering the online course called Church-Based Development Leadership (CDL). The course is focused on capacity upgrading leaders and pastors engaged in church-based development work and it is done in collaboration with CKU – Centre for Church-Based Development Cooperation, Denmark, Kerk in Actie, the Netherlands and Digni, Norway.

Led by Course Director Lisbeth Pedersen, this course is focused on capacity upgrading leaders and pastors engaged in church-based development/diaconal work in subjects such as Diakonia, Organizational Development, Culture and Communication, Value-based Leadership, Project Design, Gender Perspective on Leadership, Church and Society, Dialogue with Authorities and Media, Trauma Healing and Counselling, and Children and Youth.

  • The course consists of 8 lessons a week in a 15 weeks Fall semester, August – December
  • and a 23 weeks Spring semester: January – June, with a one week break for Chinese Spring Festival and two weeks for Easter holiday.

Contact Course Director Lisbeth Pedersen for any enquiries.

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